Anfragen visualisieren

Verwenden Sie die Datenauswahl- und Visualisierungsoptionen, um eine auf ausgewählten Parametern basierte Grafik zu erzeugen. Eine Gebrauchsanleitung dafür finden Sie hier:

Analyse der Dimensionen

Analysis Type

Standard Deviation

Dimensionen auswählen

Select the measurement type below for visualization. Measurement queries are executed across all coins harvested in, regardless connection to coin type URIs.

Abfragen vergleichen

You can compare multiple queries to generate a more complex chart. Note that the value for each category for comparison is refined by previous selections in that group. For example, if the first category in a Group is "Denomination: Denarius", and Mint is select as the second category, the drop-down menu will include only those mints that produced denarii. Abfrage hinzufügen


You may select both a start and end date to display change in measurement(s) over time in the form of a line chart. An average will be taken for the selected interval over the entire duration. You may automatically generate this date range based on the queries above. Note that the automatic date range applies only to typologies for which there is at least one physical specimen where the selected measurement applies.
